I found this amazing Happy Days game in a barn at an Estate Sale.. Two Bucks! What a steal.. In perfect shape.. All the pieces, including the Fonzie Cool cards.. The box art is so great, with almost the whole cast getting a peek. Oh I see you Marion, you minx.. They kind of gave Potzie a double oh the chin there..
Potties made the cover
This is some kind of cribbage board, who the hell knows what this has to do with the board game.. Richie might be drinking some rum punch, while Fonzie explains how to punch stuff to make it turn on... and of course, howto jump sharks.
Oh yeah.. Look at that sweet game board.. I capital LOVE the "Hey, Nerd!" Spot on the board.
Polish Fonzies bike and get 5$
Spend 2$ on your date, collect 1 cool point.. Fellas! This is dating 101.. If you want to be cool, don't go over 2$