I am ready to start taking commissions! I have finally finished moving in to my new house, and have been itching to get back to painting and drawing. So if you have ever wanted something drawn by me, now is the time.. I am excited to see what you guys want me to draw..
I am offering 11x14 watercolor on Bristol paper, and it can have a couple characters, but if you want to add more characters, there will be an additional charge.. If you want to talk about the commission or discuss pricing, feel free to contact me...
#sketch365 Day Thirteen: Ren the Scavenger
I don't like Leia Organa.... There I said it. When I watch movies I do see the actor portraying the character, and Carrie Fisher didn't sell me on the awesomeness of Leia. Rey on the other hand won me over within seconds... The scene where she is eating and wearing the rebel helmet pretty much told me I'd follow her anywhere. Daisy Ridley really nailed the magic in this character, and I has the charm and charisma needed to draw everyone in. I don't know whose relative she is, what if she's related to Palpatine? That would be a Shymalan. Rey is my second favorite character in TFA and I can't wait to see her become a Jedi.
#sketch365 Day Twelve: Kylo Ren
I make no secret about my love of Kylo "Ben" Ren. He is already more interesting to me than Darth Vader, he has shown more complexity to his character, he is not just an unstoppable juggernaut. I love that he wears a mask but had no physical deformity. When he stopped that laser blast with the force, I almost J'ed in my P... His balance is so out of wack and he's so prone to fits of rage, which he shows us over and over. Adam Driver is perfect for this role, and I can't wait to see what his next movie "evolution" is. here is a quick sketch..
David Bowie
This is Major Tom to Ground Control.. I'm stepping through the door..
I really haven't processed David Bowies passing. But his music will be played all day, and his art will continue to live on through me. I hope that I may pass on the beauty of his work to my son, so he may experience all the different lives of the Spaceman. He has finally returned home.
#sketch365 Day Ten: Angus Scrimm
Phantasm was the first movie to disturb me.. I had seen Halloween very young and it scared me, but when I saw Phantasm I was creeped out. Sure, the silver balls were cool, but when the Tall Man showed up in the mirror at the end, I jumped out of my seat. Angus Scrimm was a great horror bad guy, with crazy cracks and crevices in his face and his booming voice. Sad to hear of his passing, he will live on forever in my nightmares.
#sketch365 Day Eight: Presidents
Your Lincoln Style technique is marvelous.. Learn the way Lincoln took down the confederacy using feints and dodges. He may have been lanky but he had the strength of a lion. Honest Abe could honestly kick ass.
#sketch365 Day Seven: Presidents
Little known fact, Jefferson signed the Declaration naked.. He felt that letting little Tommy dangle, would be the best way to ensure the freedom of his country. It's probably the puritanical historians who erased this chapter in the history books, they wanted to keep things buttoned up. But I once saw in a Nic Cage movie where he found some of Jeffersons Ball Fro on the actual Declaration, and we all know that Nic Cage movies are like documentaries. So at your next high society gathering, drop this little known fact and watch your friends stare in amazement.
#sketch365 Day Six: Presidents
Nobody better mess with them VanBuren Boys.. George Costanza and Artemis N Falkmore used to bang with them VanBuren Boys. Tough guys the whole lot of them, mean as old Martin Van Buren himself.. And if you ever see them make sure you hold up their international symbol.
Really though, I would have voted for MVB based off his muttonchop game, look at those things!
#sketch365 #sketchdaily #sketch #presidents #ballpoint
#sketch365 Day Fifth: Presidents
Tafty want burger!! I had to draw Taft, he's my obese spirit animal.. Rumor has it, while he was president he ate a whole horse, I don't know where I heard that, maybe from a hobo down by the train tracks... That's where I get all my history knowledge from. Enjoy this burger eating president, my fifth sketch of the year. Only 360 more to go, anyone have an Over/Under on how many I actually do?
#sketch365 Day Four: Presidents
Here comes everyone's favorite grumpy cat president, James A. Garfield the Cat. He hates Monday's and Assasinations! I am not always going to mix a president and some pop icon, I just so happened to do that the last two days.. Don't get to excited.. I was super busy today but I stuck to my guns and finished another sketch, I'm breaking my arm patting myself on the back..
#sketch365 Day Three: Presidents
Day three! Super Grover Cleveland! Did you know Grover was our 22nd AND 24th president? And he actually won the popular vote 3 elections in a row.. He also was a muppet who occasionally would don a cape and helmet and would reduce cats out of trees. That last part can't be confirmed, but I have seen video..
#sketch365 Day Two: Presidents
Today's #sketch365 is the only president born on the same day as me... Lucky him. Chester A. Arthur was the guy who succeeded James Garfield after he was shot.. The 21st president had a sweet set of muttonchops, but he might have been an alien.. Is a rumor I want to start. I am two down with 363 left.. Feeling good!
#sketch365 Day One: Presidents
Okay.. I am attempting to do a #sketch365 this year.. Where I sketch something, anything, every day of the year. I sat down and came up with a huge list of things to draw, and for January I thought that presidents would be a fun thing to start with.. Here is George Washington, wooden teeth and all.. I hope I can keep this up, most will be ballpoint pen, with some pencil thrown in.. Good luck to everyone trying this.
Ugly Pickings!
I found this amazing Happy Days game in a barn at an Estate Sale.. Two Bucks! What a steal.. In perfect shape.. All the pieces, including the Fonzie Cool cards.. The box art is so great, with almost the whole cast getting a peek. Oh I see you Marion, you minx.. They kind of gave Potzie a double oh the chin there..
Potties made the cover
This is some kind of cribbage board, who the hell knows what this has to do with the board game.. Richie might be drinking some rum punch, while Fonzie explains how to punch stuff to make it turn on... and of course, howto jump sharks.
Oh yeah.. Look at that sweet game board.. I capital LOVE the "Hey, Nerd!" Spot on the board.
Polish Fonzies bike and get 5$
Spend 2$ on your date, collect 1 cool point.. Fellas! This is dating 101.. If you want to be cool, don't go over 2$
Voorhees and a Roy
I was watching that documentary on Friday the 13th last night and loved how different each Jason was.. So here are my Jasons.. Pamela, Young Jason, Baghead Jason, Roy the ambulance driver, Jason Lives and Jason X.. I didn't have space for 3D or 7-8-9 Jason, but they are pretty much Jason 6.. Did you ever notice Jason 6 has a utility belt? Why does he wear that?
"You see the future, you fear the future"
Don't Cry...
This is my newest piece.. It's for the Art The Jewels show at 63Bluxome gallery on July 18th.. Watercolor, Micron, Colored Pencil and graphite.. the kitchen sink.. More info HERE
"This is a group show that is playing off of the hip hop duo made up of El-P and Killer Mike, Run the Jewels. After releasing their album RTJ2 the group started noticing that the logo of the two hands started popping up on walls and in artworks across the world. They embraced the art and started the “Tag the Jewels” movement. This show continues with the idea and brings it into the gallery inviting artists to do a representation with their art style. Tilt your hat, hold onto your gold, and join us."
Reception: 7/18/15 7:00-10:00
Dates: 7/18- TBD
Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00-5:00
Welcome to the newest, ugliest website on the intraweb
Here is my Blug, a little uglier than a Blog. I will post up any new items I have in my store, or upcoming shows.